Larson is forgiven - and so say all of us!

The news that Kyle Larson is to return to NASCAR competition in 2021 is a win-win for everyone - mostly for Kyle Larson, of course.
However, the price he has paid for an innocent slip up (and forgiven by just about everyone in the western world the day after), was the toughest ever faced by a sportsman... It went too far.
Larson has had to overcome hurdles no other sportsman has had to endure from recent memory - loss of his NASCAR drive, sponsors, income. And endless apologies it seems from the young man himself for an innocent error on his part.
And now, all is forgiven... Yes, money is the big lure here, no doubt about it. Kyle cannot go past the money aspect of NASCAR competition. And who could blame him.
Nevertheless, it's his life, but I will say this. It is credit to you, the fans of Kyle Larson, that truly deserve the big 'thank you'. I may be wrong, but I don't think even Kyle Larson knows the role you all played in not only him saving face, but supporting his ventures on the dirt ovals, a scenario where he has excelled this US season.
You, the race fans of America, Australia, Canada and NZ, deserve the adulation too as there is no doubt your support throughout this overreaction by NASCAR, kept Kyle's hopes and spirits alive that he might one day be granted a return.
However, whether you, the fans of Kyle Larson will ever forgive NASCAR for what they have put this young man through... well, that's up to you. But I know this, NASCAR could not overlook his immense fan appeal and his breathtaking talent in a race car any longer...
It's a simple as that.
It wasn't about workshops or his humbling letters and statements of 'sorry' for that incident so many months ago... It was about his overall appeal in the oval track world. NASCAR needs it... In all honesty, that's where this all ends.
So Kyle Larson racing fans, it's you who should be thanked and given a pat on the back. It's you who made all the difference. And of course, Kyle's talents in a racing car.
But without that support, Kyle was going nowhere.
Like I said, you made all the difference in the end.
I hope Kyle also understands that down the road, too.
I am sure he will.
For me, I have now said enough in support of this young man - and I have enjoyed doing it as well. It's time for me to let this rest now, too.
Tony Loxley
Photos, copyright: Tony Loxley/Full Throttle Publishing
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